Archive | May 2011

The Basics of Life – Book Launch!

Not only did I have my first ever short story published, but I scored the national book launch too!!
I managed not to cry, even though I was talking about why I wrote the story – my dad being diagnosed with terminal cancer. I actually had more sales of the book from other people than the number of copies I bought myself
I remember to thanks the awesome Ian and Karen at Collins Booksellers in Mackay for hosting the event and stocking the book (they rock!).
And I remember the plug:
You can order THE BASICS OF LIFE feature me! and Sophie Masson plus other great authors through Collins Booksellers Mackay (they’ll post anywhere – even overseas!). (07) 49532777 or email to order now. It will be in other stores (including online stores) soon. I’ll update as I have the details. At $17.99 it’s great value.
And finally – if you are an emerging Australian author check out for anthology and competition opportunities as well as author interviews.

Looksie here!

Eeee!!  That’s how I think most authors react when they see their cover for the first time. That’s how excited I was. Followed by “A real book, my stories getting published in a real book.”

It’s surreal now. Imagine how I’m going to be in two days time for the book launch!